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What is Hanna's idea?

Views: 17     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-09-28      Origin: Site


  HanNa powder coating equipment has a large number of experienced research and development design and production installation personnel, independent research and development center can provide you with more accurate data, professional after-sales service team to solve trouble back at home for you.

       * Our factory began in 1982

       * China's largest powder coating equipment manufacturing plant

       * Some of the equipment introduced German technology

       * lectrostatic powder coating guns with integrated high-voltage cascade

       * Fully automatic powder ejection controls

       * OptiSpeeder fully automatic powder conveyance system 

       * EquiFlow quick color change systems

       * The warranty period of the equipment is three years, and any quality problems will occur during the quality guarantee period. Our company will replace the original equipment (parts) free of charge.The quality assurance period will provide the life service after the expiration.

       * Within 24 hours after receiving service demand, by technical staff, has a rich experience by phone, email, video and other forms to provide project consulting, fault diagnosis and other instructional technology services, to achieve customer satisfaction.

       * welcome you to visit our factory for technical communication.


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Contact Us

Hebei Hanna Technology Co.,Ltd
 Economic and Technology Development Zone, Shijiazhuang city, Hebei Province, China
 +86-186 3213 8668  (Mark Lee)
Hebei Hanna Technology Co., ltD.



 Hebei Hanna Technology CO., LTD
 Dongsheng Plaza, No. 508 Zhongshan East Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China.
 +86-186 3213 8668  (Mark Lee)
 +86-311-85290396 (Reply within 24 hours)                                                  Powder:
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